Activity zones

Designed for children aged 0-12, Klockownia blends entertainment with learning and focus practice, giving kids the chance to build their imagination, creativity, logic thinking, confidence and to develop and practice relationships with parents and other kids.

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Little fingers zone

Little fingers zone

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For the youngest of our guests we have prepared large, soft and magnetic blocks – ideal for those who start their adventure with Klockownia. Playing in this zone develops shapes and colors recognition, spatial relations, introduces concepts like inside and outside, open and closed, close and far. It also helps in understanding such concepts as groups and subgroups, in searching for similarities or indicating differences. For very small kids playing with blocks boosts productive thinking by activating child’s memory. They also have a big impact on speech development as the child tries to name whatever she or he has built. Playing with mom or dad additionally helps in strengthening deep emotional relations and building the baby’s own value.

The zone is dedicated for children 9 months to 5 years of age.


4 hands zone

4 hands zone

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Playing with blocks shapes the child’s personality and supports his social skills. Particularly, large blocks whose stacking requires the cooperation of two or more children, encourage immediate exchange and cooperation. Combination of blocks in Klockownia are deliberately chosen in such a way that children are more willing to help each other. Especially in the large brick zones (Foreman in action and 4 hands), to assemble the building, children will need help and will have to encourage other kids to work together in a group. Social challenges, valuable cooperation lessons and group activities are built directly into the experience of playing with large blocks. Children take leadership roles on their own, take responsibility for their participation in work and make conscious decisions on conflict resolution and setting new goals still having fun.

Anyone who can lift, move and stuck large blocks can play in this zone.


Foreman in action

Foreman in action

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Playing with blocks develops problem solving skills and logical complex thinking. Building requires a lot of mathematical and physical analysis and can have a real impact on learning mathematical and physical concepts as part of school activities such as: classification, ranking, size, shape, counting, height and width estimation or area calculation.

In this zone, before a stable structure is created, a picture, a design, an architecture and execution plan must be created in the child’s imagination. The work that children has to do before the effect is visible to the observer, is an unconscious effort of all areas of development: emotional, intellectual, social and physical.

Zone dedicated for children above 7 years old.


Hocki Klocki

Hocki Klocki

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The variety of shapes and endless configuration possibilities make the blocks a tool that supports the rapid development of intellect and maintains the child’s continuous activity. Playing with them without using any instructions develops imagination, creative thinking, planning and implementing your own ideas by filling the space with fantastic constructions. Your child can create anything she or he thinks of. Having different blocks at their disposal, the children quickly turns its creative potential into great projects and are completely absorbed in fun. Experts call this form of play the deep play. This is a very important element of learning process: combine new facts, recreate and consolidate acquired knowledge, shape the child’s analytical and synthetic operations. Blocks allow you to practice focusing attention to achieve a certain goal, turn the plan into action. In the era of electronic gadgets, daily classes and workshops, experiencing unsupervised fun without instructions and interference from adults is extremely important.

This is the zone with small elements, intended for children 3 years and older. Younger children may use the zone only under the constant supervision and care of an adult guardian or parent.


Wreck-it zone

Wreck-it zone

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Large blocks from the zones “Foreman in action” or “On 4 hands” help children build large buildings on which they can stand, climb and go inside. Moving blocks, stacking and lifting them encourages full body movements, which helps to develop motor skills and muscle strength. Wreck-it zone is the culmination of all the effort: the joy of demolishing, turning everything upside down, building anew, creating from the scratch. Playing in this zone releases emotions, gives space for self-expression, stimulates action and shows the child she / he can always start everything again.

A zone for everyone.


Building permit

Building permit

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Playing with blocks is fun. However, in order to transpose the play to reality, we have created a zone where a child can play the role of a real builder: put on a helmet and operate a big crane, construct tall buildings on scaffoldings, build walls and carry out demolition works. It is a zone designed for small and big engineers who will certainly find a lot of fun here.

Zone for children from 5 years old and minimum 100 cm tall.

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