Birthday party Terms & Conditions

All birthday party bookings and entry to Klockownia is subject to acceptance of these Birthday Parties Terms & Conditions together with General Terms & Conditions of entry (where applicable)

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1. General terms of booking

  1. Bookings for birthday parties are accepted minimum one week before planned date of the party. Reservation at a shorter notice is possible only according to availability.
  2. Birthday packages are made for minimum of 8 children.
  3. A party booking shall not be confirmed until a booking deposit (comprising price for minimum number of children of the relevant Party Package Fee) has been received by Klockownia. A booking deposit shall be payable via debit or credit card at the time of booking. Changing the date within the paid deposit is possible only if there is available space and at least 3 days before the date of the event.
  4. Reservations not paid will be canceled.
  5. Other conditions and obligations of the parties are set out in the General Terms and Conditions of Klockownia.

2. Party organization

  1. Please arrive at birthday parties on time with a lot of good humor and a smile.
  2. Klockownia provides a full birthday offer in accordance with the selected package.\
  3. In the case of basic packages, for health protection reasons, the food brought to the party should come from a proven source and as proof, a relevant statement should be completed. Klockownia shall not be liable for any damage to health which the guests of the jubilee may suffer as a result of eating the cake or other food product brought by the parent/organizer.
  4. At the time of booking, the customer is required to provide the expected number of party participants. If the number of guests participating in the event increases in relation to the order / reservation, the contracting party pays for each additional person in accordance with the birthday price list.
  5. The birthday party duration is 2 hours. If the ordering party does not report to the reception within 15 minutes after the end of the event in order to settle, children stay in Klockownia shall be automatically extended by another hour according to the price list applicable on that day without the possibility of further use of the birthday room.
  6. It is possible to extend the rental of the birthday room if it is free after the event. The terms of the extension will be agreed with the Klockownia manager on site.
  7. During the birthday party, all Klockownia Regulations apply, with particular regard to the principle that the responsibility for children during the birthday party is borne by parents / guardians at all time.
  8. Gifts for Jubilees can be left in the birthday room while using the room.
  9. Klockownia owner and staff are not responsible for items left by customers on the playground.
  10. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the party in case of important circumstances beyond its control.
  11. The administrator of the data collection referred to above is Peke Mundo Sp. z o. o. entered in the register by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0000353715. Administrator of the personal data informs that personal data is disclosed for the purposes above, unless it is necessary due to the mandatory safety regulations of the user of Klockownia.
  12. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions
  13. These Terms are governed by Polish law. The court competent to settle disputes arising from contracts concluded during visits to Klockownia is the court tied to the seat of Peke Mundo
    Sp z o.o.


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