All events bookings and entry to Klockownia is subject to acceptance of these Events Terms & Conditions together with General Terms & Conditions of Klockownia (where applicable).

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  1. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) define the rules for participation in an event or event s organized in Klockownia.
  2. The Organizer of the Event is Peke Mundo Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Stare Babice, at ul. Polna 17, entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the number KRS 0000353715, REGON 142396433, NIP 521 356 40 02, (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”).
  3. Participation in the Event means the participant , and in the case of underage participants their legal guardians accepts these Regulations in full and undertakes to comply with its provisions.
  4. The Event will be held on dates and hours specified in the program of events described on the Organizer’s website and FB of the Organizer.
  5. The Event will be held at Klockownia locations specified by the event program described on the Organizer’s website and FB of the Organizer.
  6. The event will be organized in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
  7. As part of the Event, Klockownia can organize attractions specified in the program of events described on the Organizer’s website and FB of the Organizer.
  8. Event participants may be Klockownia customers, subject to the age restrictions specified each time by the event program. In case of participants younger that required age, the condition of using the attractions is being under the care of a legal guardian or parent at all time. The legal guardian/ parent of an underage participant is obliged to stay in the zone adjacent to the given attraction or in the place indicated by the service staff (animators) at all times.
  9. Only full booking including sending basic data about the participant: name, age of the child, selected date and time of the workshop, contact details of the guardian making the reservation and payment for the purchase of the event ticket on the website Organizer or authorized distributor entitles to participate in the Event.
  10. The inaccessibility of attraction due to the number of participants or restrictions referred to in point 9 does not constitute any basis for a complaint or any other claims against the Organizer.
  11. According to art. 38 point 12 of the Act on consumer rights, the cost of tickets purchased for the event is refundable only if the Event is canceled by the Organizer. The Participant’s absence at the workshops purchased does not entitles the participant to refund.
  12. The participant is obliged to comply with the General Terms & Conditions of Klockownia Education and to comply with generally accepted standards of behavior. The organizer is not responsible for unfortunate accidents during workshops that are the result of non-compliance with the Terms of the Workshops and General Terms of Klockownia.
  13. The participant of the workshop within attractions of the Event is obliged to follow the instructions of the workshop leader, in particular regarding the exercises performed and activities done during the workshop.
  14. The participant is obliged to respect the property of Klockownia. The parents / legal guardians are fully responsible for damages caused by the participant of the Event.
  15. A parent / legal guardian is obliged to inform the person leading the Event about the Participant’s state of health, especially if it may affect the Participant’s limitations in performing tasks or his safety.
  16. All children participating in the Event may participate in any competitions conducted during the Event.
  17. The Event can be documented by the Organizer in the form of a photo and audio-video recording. By accepting these Terms, the client consents to the use of such images and/or recordings by Klockownia in connection with advertising, promoting Klockownia (such as on the Klockownia website, social media sites and pages, partner sites, outdoor advertising and brochures for Klockownia), and for Klockownia’s internal purposes, and in doing so, the client allows Klockownia to edit, modify, publish and make available such images and/or recordings.  At the same time the client acknowledges and agrees that there will be no compensation if we use such images and/or recordings for the purposes set out above. The client further agrees that copyright in these materials rests with Klockownia.
  18. n relation to all visitors to Klockownia who are under 18, the parent or legal guardian of such persons, or person duly authorized by the parent or legal guardian of such person, also consents to the use of their image and/or recordings for the purposes set out above
  19. Consent referred to in item 17 is voluntary, however, it determines the possibility of participating in the Event. The Organizer informs that the consent may be withdrawn at any time, but withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing that was carried out before its withdrawal. Above mentioned consent is the basis for processing personal data of participants.
  20. The administrator of the participants’ personal data is the Organizer, i.e. the company Peke Mundo Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Stare Babice, at ul. Polna 17, entered into the register of entrepreneurs under the number KRS 0000353715, REGON 142396433, NIP 521 356 40 02
  21. Personal data is used only in accordance with our privacy policy. Detailed information can be found on our website’s Privacy Policy.
  22. The Participant has the right to make a complaint with the Organizer regarding the course of the Event.
  23. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the Organizer’s address specifying the name of the Event.
  24. The complaint should be submitted no later than 14 days from the date of the Event.
  25. The complaint should include the following data: name, surname, address of the advertiser, description of the circumstances constituting the basis of the complaint, proposed manner of settling the complaint (request) and signature of the participant, and in the case of under 18 participants also the abovementioned data and signature of their legal guardian.
  26. The Organizer will consider a complaint within 14 days of its receipt. Refusal to accept a complaint does not close the possibility of pursuing claims through appropriate proceedings.
  27. The Regulations will be available at each location of Klockownia and on its website.
  28. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply.


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