Please read these Online Purchase Terms & Conditions carefully when buying the tickets.

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I. General Provisions

  1. Centrum Edukacji i Zabawy Klockownia is served by Peke Mundo Sp. z o. o., entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under number KRS 0000353715, which provides services consisting in providing children and organized groups with attractions in the form of playgrounds and educational workshops using blocks, ensuring the appropriate technical condition of the devices and environmental safety.
  2. These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) define the rules for the online purchase of admission tickets to Klockownia regardless of its geographical location.
  3. Online tickets are purchased via the website www.klockownia.com. The use of dedicated software for purchasing tickets and choosing the BUY TICKET option is possible after accepting the Online Purchase Terms & Conditions as well as General Terms & Condition of Klockownia The regulations are available on the website klockownia.com
  4. Online ticket purchase is possible after the booking procedure made on the website and acceptance of the clauses regarding consent to the processing of personal data. The booking is confirmed by making the payment according to the user’s choice and ticket price list
  5. The current opening hours and the prices are available at www.klockownia.com
  6. Online sales system allows you to purchase entrance tickets as well as additional services, in particular birthday parties, group visits and workshops.
  7. Groups of 10 or more children must book and buy tickets at least 72 hours in advance.
  8. Online tickets can’t be bought at the date of booking – all tickets are valid the next day after booking date the earliest. Extraordinary tickets described in Klockownia Pricelist as special tickets can be excluded from this rule.

II. Online purchase

  1. Every online purchase will receive an individual transaction number and each transaction require payment in the moment of booking.
  2. In order to receive a VAT invoice, provide the necessary data to issue a VAT invoice.
  3. The invoice will be sent electronically to the e-mail address provided by the buyer.
  4. The fee for online purchase can be made using the PayU system within the www.klockownia.com website
  5. Payments must be made max within 30 minutes of choosing the date of visit, without interrupting the transaction. After this time, the selected tickets will return to the general pool.
  6. Within 30 minutes after the payment, the system will send to the address provided in the registered profile, the e-mail with the confirmation and transaction number or electronic tickets saved in the QR code format.
  7. The e-mail described in point 6 is the proof of purchase. Before visiting Klockownia, make sure the e-mail has arrived. Klockownia does not bear any responsibility for not receiving an email for reasons beyond the control of the Center, e.g. filtering garbage or spam. Confirmation e-mail should be presented at the entrance to Klockownia before entering the premises.
  8. After receiving the confirmation by e-mail, the ticket should be stored in a safe place, because Klockownia is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets.
  9. Tickets are non-transferable, invalid if they have been changed and, except as expressly provided in these Regulations, are not refundable. Depending on availability, tickets to Klockownia may be amended after payment (subject to clause 15 of these Terms and Conditions)
  10. Only tickets purchased directly from Klockownia or one of our authorized distributors are valid. Tickets purchased from unauthorized third parties do not authorize to enter Klockownia.
  11. If Tickets are purchased through one of our authorized distributors, the resulting legal agreement is concluded between the Buyer and this authorized third party distributor and is subject to the terms of that authorized third party distributor. It is absolutely necessary to carefully read the terms of the transaction on the distributor’s website.
  12. During online booking procedure it is possible to choose the date and time of arrival at the Klockownia (“Assignment of admission time”) (subject to availability), which will be shown on the confirmation e-mail or ticket. The ticket is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase (except from the tickets bought as entry for a special event in Klockownia or extraordinary tickets, which are valid for a specific date and hour). In case the tickets are not used within the specified period, the entrance fee paid will not be refunded.
  13. When using the ticket, you will be able to spend 1 hour, 2 hours or unlimited time (depending on the type of ticket purchased) in Klockownia. (“Assigned Session”). However, if the date of the visit is different from the date of the planned booked visit (“Assigned entry time”), admission to Klockownia depends on availability of places in the Center at the time of your visit
  14. Canceling your booking after confirmation and peyment does not entitle you to get the refundof the part or all of the cost of the purchased ticket.
  15. In rare cases beyond Klockownia’s control, Klockownia reserves the right to cancel the ticket. Klockownia staff will try to notify customers of such necessity immediately after becoming aware of such a situation.

III. Final Provisions

  1. Klockownia is entitled to amend the Regulations. The amended Regulations are published on the website at klockownia.com
  2. To the extent not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the General Regulations of Klockownia as well as the Regulations of Individual Workshops or  Events for which tickets are purchased shall apply accordingly.
  3. The prices of all purchased items are available on the website klockownia.com
  4. In matters not regulated by these Regulations or the Klockownia General Regulations, the provisions of applicable law shall apply.


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